ALL BOYS, Grades 5-12

Please view our School Profile to learn more.

Step 1: Apply

Submit an online application, including a $125 application fee. Please note that Cistercian uses its own entrance exam and not the ISEE.  You may also submit an inquiry to be included in admissions communications. If the application fee presents a hardship for your family, please contact Lisa Richard, Registrar.

Record Release and Current Teacher Evaluation Forms

Within the application, you will be asked to supply email contacts for your son’s current school:

Release of Records

Please enter the name and email address of the person at your child’s current school who is responsible for sending transcripts, grades, or progress reports; the school will receive an email that contains a link to submit the relevant documents for the most recent two years directly to Cistercian. Records are due January 24, 2025. The requested records include:
  • Complete grades for the first two quarters or one trimester of the current school year, as well as complete grades for the most recent two school years
  • Standardized test scores for all testing that has been done (i.e. Iowa tests, ERBW, MAPS, STAAR, HSPT, PSAT, etc.)
  • Attendance Records
  • Behavior Report
Current Teacher Evaluations Cistercian requests recommendations from the applicant’s current English teacher and current math teacher. Please enter both the name and email address of your son’s current English and current math teacher. A confidential teacher evaluation form will be sent to each teacher automatically. You can confirm Cistercian’s receipt of the evaluation forms in the application status.

Step 2: Admissions Exam

Cistercian utilizes its own entrance exam and not the ISEE. There is no additional fee for this entrance exam. Your son will be scheduled for the entrance exam based on his application grade according to the schedule below. If you need to change to the other date for any reason, please let us know. We are happy to accommodate such requests.
    • Saturday, January 25, 2025 (Forms I and II, Grades 5 and 6) 8:30 a.m. – approximately noon
    • Saturday, February 1, 2025 (Forms III – VII, Grades 7 – 11) 8:30 a.m. – approximately noon
If your son is taking the ISEE for entrance to another independent school, you are welcome to send his scores to Cistercian by email. However, the ISEE will not take the place of the Cistercian entrance exam requirement.

Admissions Status Tracking

After the application is submitted, you will be able to track your son’s application status and monitor when Cistercian receives the School Records and Individual Teacher Evaluations. To view your son’s application status, please use your username and password to access your account.

Admission Decision

Decision letters for 2025-2026 will be emailed after 4:00 p.m. on March 7, 2025. We appreciate your interest and look forward to meeting you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 469-499-5400.

A Note About Immuization Records: Due January 15, 2025

Like many schools in the Diocese of Dallas, Cistercian does not accept exemption affidavits for any reason. Submit your son’s current and up-to-date immunization records to the school prior to admissions testing. Students without complete immunization records as outlined by the Texas Department of State Health Services will not be considered for admission. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or by phone at 469-499-5400.