Faculty/Staff Directory

Faculty and staff email addresses are formatted as follows:
Priests: fr-firstname@Cistercian.org
Brothers: br-firstname@Cistercian.org
All others: firstInitialLastname@cistercian.org (Kara Dahl is kDahl@cistercian.org)




Mr. Phillip M. Agtarap

Mr. Phillip M. Agtarap

Phone: (469) 499-5446

MHA, ATC, LAT University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.

Athletic Trainer;
Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Elective.


Ms. Breianna Bairrington

Ms. Breianna Bairrington

Phone: (469) 499-5412

BA, University of North Texas, Denton, TX.

Theater Tech Elective (Form V).

Mr. Ricky Barrett

Mr. Ricky Barrett

Phone: (469) 499-5455

BS Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX.

Head Coach in Varsity Baseball;
Offensive Coordinator in Upper School Football;
Assistant Coach in Middle School Basketball.

Fr. John Bayer , O.Cist.

Fr. John Bayer , O.Cist.

Phone: (469) 499-5456

STD, STL Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.
MA, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Form Master (Form VIII);
Theology (Form VI);
Philosophy Senior Seminar;
Community Service Sponsor.

Mr. Chris Blackwell

Mr. Chris Blackwell

Phone: (469) 499-5403

BS Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO.

Director of College Counseling.

Mr. Adam Brooks

Mr. Adam Brooks

Phone: (469) 499-5429

BA Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI.

English (Form V);
E-Lab (Form II);
Podcasting Elective;
Reflections Sponsor.

Fr. Lawrence Brophy , O.Cist

Fr. Lawrence Brophy , O.Cist

Class of 2001

Phone: (469) 499-5427

PhD, University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
STB Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo, Rome, Italy.
MTh University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
MS, BS Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Head of Upper School;
Form Master (Form IV);
Math (Form VI).

Mr. André L. Bruce

Mr. André L. Bruce

Phone: (469) 499-5405

BS Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX.
DEI Certificate - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Assistant Director of Athletics and Physical Education;
Head Coach Varsity Golf;
Head Coach Varsity Football.


Mrs. Mary Currlin

Mrs. Mary Currlin

Phone: (469) 499-5422

Database Administrator.


Mrs. Kara Dahl

Mrs. Kara Dahl

Phone: (469) 499-5400

Webmaster; Graphic Designer.

Mr. Kevin Davidson

Mr. Kevin Davidson

Phone: (469) 499-5408


Jennifer Ditto

Jennifer Ditto

Phone: (469) 499-5400

Accounts Payable Specialist.

Mr. Jack Dorn

Mr. Jack Dorn

Class of 2005

Phone: (469) 499-5451

BA St. Edward's University, Austin, TX.

Director of Athletics and Physical Education;
Head Coach Varsity Basketball.

Mr. Mickey Dorn

Mr. Mickey Dorn

Phone: (469) 499-5405

Assistant Coach in Basketball.

Mr. Darren Drago

Mr. Darren Drago

Phone: (469) 499-5454

Assistant Coach in Varsity Football;
Assistant Coach in Varsity Track;
Director of Strength and Conditioning.


Mr. Gerald Edwards

Mr. Gerald Edwards

Phone: (469) 499-5400

Safe Environment Coordinator.

Fr. Thomas Esposito , O.Cist

Fr. Thomas Esposito , O.Cist

Phone: (469) 499-5400

SSD, SSL Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, Italy.
STB Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo, Rome, Italy.
BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Theology (Form VIII).


Mr. Joseph Farley

Mr. Joseph Farley

Phone: (469) 499-5408


Ms. Clare Frank

Ms. Clare Frank

Phone: (972) 554-2322

MFA, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL.
BA, University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Art (Forms I-II)
Art Electives
Art Club Sponsor.


Ms. Brigitte Gimenez

Ms. Brigitte Gimenez

Phone: (469) 499-5404

Events Coordinator;
Assistant to Director of College Counseling.

Mr. Greg Graham

Mr. Greg Graham

Phone: (469) 499-5419

MTh University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
BS Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Director of Technology;
Head of Computer Department;
Computer (Form II);
Technology Senior Seminar;
Computer Electives.

Fr. Stephen Gregg , O.Cist.

Fr. Stephen Gregg , O.Cist.

Class of 2001

Phone: (972) 438-2044-5275

PHD University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
STL Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, Rome, Italy.
STB Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo, Rome, Italy.
BA University of the South, Sewanee, TN

World Languages Elective.

Fr. Francis Gruber , O.Cist.

Fr. Francis Gruber , O.Cist.

Phone: (972) 438-2044-5235

MA, University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
MA, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
BA, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Religion (Form I).


Mr. Tim Hamstra

Mr. Tim Hamstra

Phone: (469) 499-5409

MBA, BA St. Edwards University, Austin, Texas.

Director of Transportation;
Assistant Coach Middle School Football;
Assistant Coach Varsity Baseball;
Head Coach Middle School Track.

Mr. Dennis Harris

Mr. Dennis Harris

Phone: (469) 499-5438

BA, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
ABA, Blinn College, Brenham, TX.

Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning;
Physical Education (Form II);
Head Coach Varsity Track;
Cross Country.

Mrs. Erin Hart

Mrs. Erin Hart

Phone: (469) 499-5406

Director of Development and Alumni Relations.

Fr. Matthew Hegemann , O. Cist.

Fr. Matthew Hegemann , O. Cist.

Phone: (972) 554-2321

MTh, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX
Certificate in Formation, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.

Form Master (Form II);
Religion (Form IV); Assistant Community Service Sponsor.

Mr. Angel Hernández

Mr. Angel Hernández

Phone: (469) 499-5408


Mrs. Lisa Hernández

Mrs. Lisa Hernández

Phone: (469) 499-5439

MA, BA University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
CSL Certificate - Creighton University, Omaha, NE.

Head of World Languages Department;
Spanish (Forms V-VII);
New Faculty Mentor Coordinator.

Mr. Michael Humphries

Mr. Michael Humphries

Phone: (469) 499-5421

MS University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX.
BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Director of Summer Programs;
Standardized Testing Coordinator;
Math (Form I);
Math (Form V).



Fr. Christopher Kalan , O.Cist.

Fr. Christopher Kalan , O.Cist.

Phone: (469) 499-5408

MS Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
BS University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Plant Manager;
Computer (Form I);
Assistant to Director of Technology.

Ms. Tara Kennedy

Ms. Tara Kennedy

Phone: (469) 499-5442

MA University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
BA Millikin University, Decatur, IL.

Spanish (Forms V-VII);
Spanish Senior Seminar;
Big Brothers Sponsor.

Mrs. Jennifer Kerr

Mrs. Jennifer Kerr

Phone: (469) 499-5400

AP Coordinator

Dr. Martina Kroll

Dr. Martina Kroll

Phone: (469) 499-5434

MD, PhD University Ruperto Carola, Heidelberg, Germany.

Head of Science Department;
Science (Form II);
Chemistry II (Form VIII)
Robotics Sponsor.

Dr. Andrejs Krumins

Dr. Andrejs Krumins

Phone: 469-499-5425

PhD University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston, Houston, TX.
BS Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.

Science (Forms V, VIII);
Science Senior Seminar;
Assistant Coach Junior Varsity Soccer.


Fr. Philip Neri Lastimosa , O.Cist.

Fr. Philip Neri Lastimosa , O.Cist.

Class of 2000

Phone: (469) 499-5457

MAT University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX.
MA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
BS Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.

Head of Middle School;
Form Master (Form V);
Science (Form VI);
Physics (Form VI).

Mr. Scott J. Laurange

Mr. Scott J. Laurange

Phone: (469) 499-5417

MH, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX

English (Form III, VI); English Electives;
Informer Sponsor.

Mr. Eric Lewis

Mr. Eric Lewis

Phone: (469) 499-5415

MMSM, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC.
BA, University of Dallas, Irving, TX

Music (Forms I-II) Music Appreciation (Form IV);
Music Electives;
Arts Senior Seminar.

Mrs. Kelly Lipscomb

Mrs. Kelly Lipscomb

Phone: (469) 499-5458

M.Ed, BBA Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX

Learning Specialist.

Email Mrs. Lipscomb

Mrs. Theresa Lobmeyer B.S.N. R.N.

Mrs. Theresa Lobmeyer B.S.N. R.N.

Phone: 469-499-5449

Assistant to the School Nurse.


Mrs. Tasia Magill

Mrs. Tasia Magill

Phone: (469) 499-5412

BA University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.

Head of Fine Arts Department;
Fine Arts (Form IV);
Drama Electives.

Fr. Bernard Marton , O.Cist.

Fr. Bernard Marton , O.Cist.

Phone: (972) 438-2044 x5241

STB, STL, STD Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo, Rome, Italy.
MA Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX.

Currently, assisting Cistercian monasteries and schools in Hungary.

Mr. Pete Mätter

Mr. Pete Mätter

Phone: (469) 499-5405

Coach in Middle and Upper School Tennis.

Br. Nathaniel May , O.Cist.

Br. Nathaniel May , O.Cist.

Phone: (972) 438-2044-5215

BA, Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, CA.

English Lab (Form II).

Fr. Paul McCormick , O.Cist.

Fr. Paul McCormick , O.Cist.

Phone: (469) 499-5402

STL Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.
MA, MBA, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Religion (Form III).

Mrs. Nancy McGinnis

Mrs. Nancy McGinnis

Phone: 469-499-5410

MLS Texas Woman's University, Denton, TX.
BS Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX.

Director of Library Services.

Mr. Matt Mercy

Mr. Matt Mercy

Phone: (469) 499-5435

ME Lipscomb University, Nashville, TN.
BS Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.

Assistant Coach in Upper School and Middle School Football;
Assistant Coach in Upper School and Middle School Track;
Health (Form III).

Mr. Nicholas Merrick

Mr. Nicholas Merrick

Phone: (469) 499-5400

MBA Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
BS University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

Finance Elective.

Dr. Grant Mindle

Dr. Grant Mindle

Phone: (469) 499-5420

PhD, MA Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
BA Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA

Math (Forms II, IV);
Upper School Quiz Bowl Sponsor;
Middle School Quiz Bowl Sponsor;
Middle School Math Club Sponsor.

Mrs. Jan Mitura

Mrs. Jan Mitura

Phone: (469) 499-5400

Grant Writer.


Mrs. Kathy Nevitt B.S.N. R.N.

Mrs. Kathy Nevitt B.S.N. R.N.

Phone: (469) 499-5449

School Nurse.

Dr. Richard T. Newcomb II

Dr. Richard T. Newcomb II

Phone: (469) 499-5432

PhD University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI.
BA University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Head of Mathematics Department;
Math (Forms VI, VIII)
Math Club Advisor;
Upper School Chess Club Advisor.

Mr. Gary Nied

Mr. Gary Nied

Phone: (469) 499-5418

MA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
MA University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
BA Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, OH.

Head of English Department;
English (Forms IV, VIII);
English Electives.

Br. Kolbe Novey , O.Cist

Br. Kolbe Novey , O.Cist

Phone: (972) 438-2044-5227

BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX

Religion (Form I);
Latin (Form I).

Mr. Gregory L. Novinski

Mr. Gregory L. Novinski

Class of 1982

Phone: (469) 499-5413

MS University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.
BA Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.

Assistant Headmaster;
Director of Community and Engagement
Math (Forms VII-VIII).


Mme. Nancy Obels-Robinson

Mme. Nancy Obels-Robinson

Phone: (469) 499-5441

MBA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
BA EDC Paris, Paris, France.

French (Forms V-VII);
French Senior Seminar.


Mr. Timothy Parker

Mr. Timothy Parker

Class of 1990

Phone: (469) 499-5436

MS University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
BA Austin College, Sherman, TX.

Director of Facilities;
Form Master (Form I);
Science (Form I).

Fr. Ignatius Peacher , O.Cist.

Fr. Ignatius Peacher , O.Cist.

Phone: (972) 438-2044-5265

JCL Catholic University of America, Washington DC
MArch University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.
MA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
BA St. John's University, Collegeville, MN.

Visual Arts (Form IV);
Art Elective.

Dr. Renee Phillips

Dr. Renee Phillips

Licensed Psychologist

Phone: (469) 499-5445

PhD University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX.
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX.
BS Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX.

School Counselor.

Email Dr. Phillips

Mrs. Ann Picha

Mrs. Ann Picha

Phone: (469) 499-5407

Assistant Business Manager.

Dr. Thomas B. Pruit

Dr. Thomas B. Pruit

Phone: (469) 499-5400

PhD, MA, MTh University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
BA University of the South, Sewanee, TN.

Development Special Projects.


Mr. James Reisch

Mr. James Reisch

Phone: (469) 499-5400

BA University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.

Director of Photography/Video for External Media;
Photography and Filmmaking Electives.

Mrs. Lisa Richard

Mrs. Lisa Richard

Phone: (469) 499-5402

Assistant to the Headmaster;
Dallas College Coordinator.

Make an appointment with Mrs. Richard

Fr. Mark Ripperger , O.Cist.

Fr. Mark Ripperger , O.Cist.

Phone: (469) 499-5430

MAT University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX.
MTh, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Computer Network Manager;
Science (Form III);
FIRST Robotics Coach/Mentor.

Br. Barnabas Robertson , O. Cist.

Br. Barnabas Robertson , O. Cist.

Phone: (972) 438-2044-5231

MS Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
BS Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL.

Physics II (Form VIII).


Fr. Raphael Schaner , O.Cist.

Fr. Raphael Schaner , O.Cist.

Phone: (469) 499-5400

MTh, MH, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Theology (Form V);
Art Elective;
Exodus Sponsor.

Fr. Gregory Schweers , O.Cist.

Fr. Gregory Schweers , O.Cist.

Phone: (469) 499-5426

MA, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
MA University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.
Art History, London, England.
Art History, New York, NY.

Renaissance Senior Seminar;
Art History (Form IV).

Mr. Patrick W Spence

Mr. Patrick W Spence

Class of 2008

Phone: (469) 499-5428

MA University of Dallas, Irving, TX. AB Harvard College, Cambridge, MS.

English (Form I);
Latin (Form IV).

Mrs. Meg Squiers

Mrs. Meg Squiers

BA, JD University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.

College Counseling

Fr. Ambrose Strong , O.Cist.

Fr. Ambrose Strong , O.Cist.

Phone: (469) 499-5447

STL Accademia Alfonsiana, Rome, Italy.
MTh, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.

Dean of Students;
Form Master (Form VI);
Head of Theology Department;
Theology (Form VII);
Latin (Form II);
Student Council Sponsor;
Pro-Life Club Sponsor.


Mrs. Cindi Tenney

Mrs. Cindi Tenney

Phone: (469) 499-5433

Business Manager.


Mr. Henry Van

Mr. Henry Van

Phone: (469) 499-5408


Mr. Jeff Veazey

Mr. Jeff Veazey

Phone: (469) 499-5405

Head Coach in Swimming.

Fr. Abbot Peter Verhalen , O.Cist.

Fr. Abbot Peter Verhalen , O.Cist.

Class of 1973

Phone: (469) 499-5400

MA, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
MA University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.
MA University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

English Lab (Form III)


Mr. James Waits

Mr. James Waits

Phone: (469) 499-5405

Assistant Coach in Middle School Basketball.

Mr. Greg Walls

Mr. Greg Walls

Phone: (469) 499-5431

Assistant Coach Varsity Football;
Head Coach Middle School Football;
Head Coach Form IV Basketball;
Head Coach Form IV Baseball;
Physical Education (Form I).

Mr. J.P. Walsh

Mr. J.P. Walsh

Phone: (469) 499-5452

MS Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX.
BA University of North Texas, Denton, TX.

Health (Form IV);
School Counselor;
Head Coach Varsity Soccer;
Middle School Cross-Country.

Email Mr. Walsh

Mr. Aaron West

Mr. Aaron West

Phone: (469) 499-5437

MS, BS University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.

Science (Forms IV, VII);

Ms. Denise M. Williams

Ms. Denise M. Williams

Phone: (469) 499-5424

M.A. University of Dallas, Irving, TX;
B.A. University of North Texas, Denton, TX.

English (Forms II, VII);
Reflections Sponsor.