Faculty/Staff Directory
Faculty and staff email addresses are formatted as follows:
Priests:Â fr-firstname@Cistercian.org
Brothers: br-firstname@Cistercian.org
All others: firstInitialLastname@cistercian.org (Kara Dahl is kDahl@cistercian.org)
Mrs. Tasia Magill
Phone: (469) 499-5412
BA University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Head of Fine Arts Department;
Fine Arts (Form IV);
Drama Electives.
Fr. Bernard Marton , O.Cist.
Phone: (972) 438-2044 x5241
STB, STL, STD Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo, Rome, Italy.
MA Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX.
Currently, assisting Cistercian monasteries and schools in Hungary.
Mr. Pete Mätter
Phone: (469) 499-5405
Coach in Middle and Upper School Tennis.
Br. Nathaniel May , O.Cist.
Phone: (972) 438-2044-5215
BA, Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, CA.
English Lab (Form II).
Fr. Paul McCormick , O.Cist.
Phone: (469) 499-5402
STL Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.
MA, MBA, BA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
Religion (Form III).
Mrs. Nancy McGinnis
Phone: 469-499-5410
MLS Texas Woman's University, Denton, TX.
BS Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX.
Director of Library Services.
Mr. Matt Mercy
Phone: (469) 499-5435
ME Lipscomb University, Nashville, TN.
BS Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
Assistant Coach in Upper School and Middle School Football;
Assistant Coach in Upper School and Middle School Track;
Health (Form III).
Mr. Nicholas Merrick
Phone: (469) 499-5400
MBA Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
BS University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Finance Elective.
Dr. Grant Mindle
Phone: (469) 499-5420
PhD, MA Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
BA Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA
Math (Forms II, IV);
Upper School Quiz Bowl Sponsor;
Middle School Quiz Bowl Sponsor;
Middle School Math Club Sponsor.
Mrs. Jan Mitura
Phone: (469) 499-5400
Grant Writer.