Faculty/Staff Directory
Faculty and staff email addresses are formatted as follows:
Priests:Â fr-firstname@Cistercian.org
Brothers: br-firstname@Cistercian.org
All others: firstInitialLastname@cistercian.org (Kara Dahl is kDahl@cistercian.org)
Mr. Timothy Parker
Class of 1990
Phone: (469) 499-5436
MS University of North Texas, Denton, TX.
BA Austin College, Sherman, TX.
Director of Facilities;
Form Master (Form I);
Science (Form I).
Fr. Ignatius Peacher , O.Cist.
Phone: (972) 438-2044-5265
JCL Catholic University of America, Washington DC
MArch University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.
MA University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
BA St. John's University, Collegeville, MN.
Visual Arts (Form IV);
Art Elective.
Dr. Renee Phillips
Licensed Psychologist
Phone: (469) 499-5445
PhD University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX.
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX.
BS Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX.
School Counselor.
Email Dr. Phillips
Mrs. Ann Picha
Phone: (469) 499-5407
Assistant Business Manager.
Dr. Thomas B. Pruit
Phone: (469) 499-5400
PhD, MA, MTh University of Dallas, Irving, TX.
BA University of the South, Sewanee, TN.
Development Special Projects.