3, 2, 1, liftoff! Form III was “out to launch” in near perfect weather conditions. After the students help one another with rocket preparation, class anticipation builds from countdown to launch to hopeful recovery of each rocket.
3, 2, 1, liftoff! Form III was “out to launch” in near perfect weather conditions. After the students help one another with rocket preparation, class anticipation builds from countdown to launch to hopeful recovery of each rocket.
No easy interpretation of Genesis 22 exists. The account of God’s test of Abraham is truly awe-ful. It gives us no psychological insights into the heart of Abraham or Isaac, and the sparse narrative details — the three days’ journey, the binding of Isaac upon the altar, the dramatic angelic intervention to stay Abraham’s knife — are terrifying in their raw simplicity. Yet these verses offer wondrous cause for meditation on the mystery of sacrifice.
This year’s Interscholastic Colloquium, hosted by Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas, was titled “George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, 75th Anniversary.” Four Cistercian students—two Juniors, one Sophomore, and one Freshman—had the honor of presenting original papers.
On February 21, eleven Upper School students competed at the Academic WorldQuest event at UT Arlington, sponsored by the Junior World Affairs Council. All 3 of our teams again finished in the top 20!