Technology is everywhere. There seems to be a gadget or app for everything. Computers for calculating; engines for ease; chemicals for control — is there any aspect of our lives untouched by instruments and processes?
The Our Father is the most familiar of all Christian prayers. Its constant recitation inevitably leads to a glazing of our mental eyes, rendering us numb to the shocking permission Jesus grants us in the opening words. He invites us, even requires us, to claim familiarity with God. “Pray like this,” Jesus tells those gathered for His Sermon on the Mount: “Our Father, who art in Heaven…” (Matthew 6:9).
Contents From the Headmaster News & Notes College Matriculation "A Cloud of Witnesses" by Tom Pruit "A Calling of the Heart" by Bob Greenfield In Memoriam Class Reunions Fall Sports Afterthoughts by Patrick Spence '08 Running as a metaphor for the spiritual life...