Reporting Student Absence

Absence is due to:

Absence due to Illness or Injury

    Form Master(s):


    Enter Day(s) of Absence:

    By completing this form your Form Master and the school nurse will be automatically notified.

    Absence due to Other Reason

      Form Master(s):

      By completing this form your Form Master(s) will be automatically notified. He will follow-up to confirm receipt and grant permission. Please note, except for illness/injury, one day absences must be approved by your son’s(s’) Form Master(s) and absences of more than one day must be approved by the Headmaster. Again, they will contact you to confirm this permission.

      Enter Day(s) of Absence:

      Late Arrival

        Form Master(s):

        Please indicate the reason for your son’s late arrival:

        Enter expected date/time of arrival:

        By completing this form your Form Master(s) will be automatically notified of your son’s late arrival.

        Early Dismissal

          Form Master(s):

          Please indicate the reason for your son’s early dismissal:

          Enter expected date/time of early dismissal:

          By completing this form your Form Master(s) will be automatically notified of this request for your son’s early dismissal.