May 29, 2020 | A Word to Enkindle, Fr. Thomas Esposito
“What is a Paraclete anyway?” by Fr. Thomas for Texas Catholic. The modern Greek word for “Thank you,” eucharisto, immediately calls to our Christian minds the gift of Christ’s body and blood, commemorated in our Eucharistic liturgy. The proper response...
May 14, 2020 | A Word to Enkindle, Fr. John Bayer
“Healing by Contrition” by Fr. John for The Texas Catholic. As the diocese develops its response to the pandemic, I think we’re all very excited to get back to celebrating the sacraments! On the diocesan website, there is a decree published by Bishop Burns...
May 7, 2020 | A Word to Enkindle, Fr. Thomas Esposito
“Dante and the dark wood of quarantine” by Fr. Thomas for Texas Catholic. Sheltering in place might not look much like a dark wood, but my time in quarantine has brought Dante to the forefront of my mind. I have long been awed by the brilliance of his...
May 5, 2020 | A Word to Enkindle, Fr. John Bayer
“Unanswered prayers” by Fr. John for The Texas Catholic. In these trying times of a pandemic, many people are expressing a beautiful desire to pray — to pray for protection from the coronavirus, for fast and full recoveries, for economic stability, for...