October 31, 2020 | A Word to Enkindle, Fr. Thomas Esposito
If Cyrus the pagan could be an unknowing evangelist for the Lord, the ultimate sovereign of history, then we must trust that Jesus can lead us, exiles in this valley of tears, to a beautiful end and ultimate triumph beyond anything we could imagine at present.
October 16, 2020 | A Word to Enkindle, Fr. John Bayer
May we all allow our consciences to be challenged before voting. The spiritual life stagnates in self-righteous and ignorant condemnations. It blossoms through humble self-examination and a readiness to follow God into whatever future may come.
October 16, 2020 | Faculty Lecture Series
Peter Saliga presented the first lecture in the Faculty Lecture Series in October.
October 12, 2020 | A Word to Enkindle, Fr. Thomas Esposito
The Swiss theologian Karl Barth is the author of a line that has always fascinated me: in the realm of nature, “Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God” that we possess. I would like to explain why I think he is absolutely correct.
October 1, 2020 | A Word to Enkindle, Fr. Thomas Esposito
Among the treasures contained in our monastic hours of prayer, none is more precious to me than Compline, also known as Night Prayer.