Discerning the will of God

Discerning the will of God

“Discerning the will of God” by Fr. John for The Texas Catholic. One of the most laudable questions I receive is about how to discern God’s will. A decision is easy to make when the choice is between something right and something wrong. But a decision can...
Physics Races

Physics Races

Seniors in Physics II raced their CO2 cars this morning in the school gym. They had to build each car, trying to maximize its velocity by considering aerodynamics, weight, and durability.

That They May Have Life

That They May Have Life

Reaching his 90th birthday and the 61st anniversary of his priestly ordination, Fr. Julius has compiled a book entitled That They May Have Life, which is contains 35 meditations to shed light on different aspects of Christian life.

Germs don’t like soap!

Germs don’t like soap!

Mrs. Nevitt, our school nurse, stopped by Form I Form Masters this afternoon to remind the boys about germs and the importance of proper hand washing.