The opportunity for scrupulosity
Many of us today suffer from scrupulosity, which I think could be defined — at least insofar as it is a spiritual and not a psychological condition — as a disordered concern for one’s own righteousness.
Many of us today suffer from scrupulosity, which I think could be defined — at least insofar as it is a spiritual and not a psychological condition — as a disordered concern for one’s own righteousness.
Cistercian recently received a large and beautiful icon of Bl. János Brenner – the Cistercian monk martyred for refusing to stop serving as a priest in communist Hungary.
String bracelets with the code WWJD? became a pious fashion trend in the late 90s, and they remain visible today on many teenage wrists. Coming in a variety of bright colors, the bracelets are a visible examination of conscience to the wearer: “What Would Jesus Do?” is a fruitful question to ask oneself in a moment of temptation. Those who wear the bracelet do well to make Jesus their standard of virtuous living as they prudently ponder the proper action to take.
The Freshman Form Master makes a splash! Fr. Philip joined his Form V boys in the annual tradition of being initiated into the High School by being tossed into the pool.
The team played with grit and heart. The community came out to cheer and support the Hawks. The weather was perfect.